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Digital video evidence management and sharing

The Clue platform supports evidentiary analysis of crimes and harmful events by offering an intuitive solution to securely share digital video surveillance evidence with Law enforcement agencies.

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Immediate use

In a few simple steps it is possible to create complete digital dossiers with footage, bookmarks, and notes to streamline events’ search and minimize analysis time.


Clue reduces the costs of preparing and delivering footage to the entitled parties. When used in synergy with the ViMS Suite, it maximizes cost-containment.

High security

Access is controlled with 2FA authentication, and all actions taken in the system are tracked via Logs. Footage has customizable retention according to investigative needs.

Simplified digital sharing of video surveillance evidence with law enforcement agencies

Un agente utilizza il software Clue per la gestione delle prove video digitali

Clue is a cutting-edge software platform that simplifies the process of managing and sharing digital video evidence with Law enforcement agencies and legal claimants in general.

The platform enables the creation of dossiers with the original digital video recordings of a specific event in order to store and analyze them, while documenting its submission to the entitled parties.

Digital sharing of footage via Clue simplifies the transfer of information, ensures tracking of its receipt, and streamlines the overall process of digital video evidence management.


Digital sharing of recordings

Clue manages the entire process of collection and sharing of video surveillance recordings, while tracking their receipt and use.

Creation of customized dossiers

Footage collected from on-field devices is organized into contextualized dossiers that contain all relevant information.

Focus on the relevant scenes

The possibility to add bookmarks and notes in the footage timeline guarantees quick contextualization of relevant events.

Differentiated access privileges

Data are protected with access privileges assigned by administrators, which allow specific operations depending on the type of user.

High information security

 Access to the system is controlled, and only the users specifically designated for each dossier can view or export footage.

On-premises or in cloud installation

Clue can be installed both on an on-premises server (physical or virtual) provided by the Customer or in a Cloud system provided by Prassel.


Logo Clue

Notification of data availability and system logs on the delivery and management process

Clue manages the entire process of sending and notifying files without requiring any manual intervention, allowing the analysis of events, annotating evidence, and keeping track of the actions taken via system logs, in order to proceed with the deletion of images when necessary.

Collection of digital video evidence into dossiers and automatic sharing with Law Enforcement

Footage collected from devices is organized into dossiers related to the relevant events and automatically sent to the entitled parties. All files are stored in a secure, centralized environment.

Integration with ViMS

Clue participates in the overall physical security management process and seamlessly integrates with the ViMS platform, making the sharing of relevant footage even faster.

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