
Be on the safe side. Our software, your security

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Isometrica di un'infrastruttura energetica con impianti di energia rinnovabile


Solutions for the security of energy infrastructures

Diversification of energy sources and decentralization of production facilities have increased the importance of energy infrastructures’ security.

Enabling energy supply and distribution networks to operate safely is a major challenge, in which technology plays a major role. Therefore, the key to fueling the growth of geographically distributed energy infrastructures is having integrated systems to centralize Safety & Security management.

Prassel's portfolio for the security of energy infrastructures

In the energy industry, it is essential to approach Safety & Security by adopting a unified view of the needs in the different facilities: production plants, distribution facilities, corporate offices and public stores.

Prassel’s solutions offer comprehensive tools for managing the different components of security networks, ensuring accurate synergistic monitoring.

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